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Friday, 2 September 2011


Dear Child of Mine,

I'm feeling a bit fed up today. Papa and the boys are going back to school in the next couple of days, and I always find the anticipation of change rather problematic. It's rarely as bad as it feels once the moment is upon us, so I'm willing away the last few days of the holiday.

Your Grandpa and Grandma have just gone home from a three day stay with us. It was rather fraught. They are good people and I love them, but they have strange ways and I always end up feeling very worried for them, and usually rather offended by somethings they have said and done whilst here. I don't think they mean badly, they're just not very tactful. And they seem to think that anything we do that is  different to what they do or did is an implied criticism. It's not, and it's very wearing.

We have the child from hell staying over tonight. He's one of Peter's friends and is so boisterous we limit his visits to yearly. I'm not sure we could get away with less. His parents are lovely, and they often have Peter to stay at theirs, so really we're lucky that they tolerate once per year. As I type I can hear this child charging about upstairs and knocking stuff over and whipping up David into a state of over excitement. Fingers crossed they go to bed soon, and he grows out of it by next year. He'll be 15 after all. Maybe we will have a good excuse for putting off his visit once you are here.

I'm trying to eat more healthily in order to prepare my body for conception. I've enjoyed smoothies and porridge for breakfast and have packed the freezer with bags full of prepped healthy meals for when term starts once more. I'm making a big effort to eat fruit and cut down on drink. It's a bit boring. My wee is still yellow.

Yours grumpily,

Mama x

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